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FBI - "Faith Beyond Infinity"

I have been thinking on the "words" of "wisdom" from my Brother-in-law who passed, Ray Girard the Visionary behind the making of "The Story of Jesus" Tahoe. Every-time Ray seen me driving a new vehicle, or I had something new, Ray would say, "God gave you that." It didn't really sink in til years later where I remembered some verses I had read in the Bible and put 2 and 2 together...

Bible says, (God is the one who gives you wisdom) ~ Proverbs 2:6 (By wisdom a house is built) ~ Proverbs 24:3

(God builds everything) ~ Hebrews 3:4

God does create everything, as the verses say above, God gives you "wisdom", by "wisdom" a house is built, so God does create everything, because the wisdom, thoughts and ideas came from God. God is the one who helped you accomplish what you have.

I remember years ago when I read the verse, "God builds everything" I literally became depressed, I was thinking to myself, what do I have to offer if God does everything? I cried, thinking I am nothing, and I have nothing to offer. I did not feel I was good enough for anything, but I had a strong misunderstanding at the time. I didn't put 2 and 2 together at the time until few years later and realized everything I have "is" because of God. Like Ray would always say, "God gave you that". If it wasn't for God I would not of had the "wisdom" to do anything, and if I wasn't able to do anything, then I would have "nothing". If you have anything "God gave you that" like Ray would say.

Reading the verses above, we see God gives the "gift" of wisdom/knowledge/understanding for you to accomplish anything you want or desire when you pray.

Bibe says,

Just Pray, Believe & Receive ~ Mark 11:24

"..every perfect 'gift' is from above, coming down from the Father.." ~ James 1:17

When reading the Bible, remember the Word is God, because that is God speaking to you. You may not understand all you read at the time, but the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance what God has said in His Word when the time is right and reveal it's meaning, which will bring a better understanding to you, which is "wisdom" gained from above.

I will finish with this Scripture,

"..the Holy Spirit...will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."

John 14:22-26

All you need is

"Faith Beyond Infinity"

FBI - Faith Beyond Infinity Christian T Shirt - Michael Hopkins

Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. Matthew 4:19

Michael & JT Hopkins
The Story of Jesus Tahoe

Phone: 1-573-568-8887

©2018 - 2024 by The Story of Jesus Tahoe

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