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Image by Sam Schooler

  Ray was like many of us starting out in life, young and making mistakes. While in prison a Chaplin brought him to Christ. The Chaplin also taught Ray how to repair tears in seats, and how to get stains out of cloth seats etc. When Ray got out of prison he started his own business, Colour-Tek. Ray was successful in his trade, and was in business for 35 years until the day he died. Even after his death he still continues to bless others with "The Story of Jesus".


Bible says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" ~ Romans 3:23 We see by reading the verse, there is not 1 person better then another, for we all have sinned and fell short of the Glory of God.


God Bless, and I hope you enjoy the news clip below.

"the Lord answered me and said: Write the vision and make it plain on tablets...For the vision is yet for an appointed time" Habakkuk 2:2-3 NKJV

Image by Sam Schooler

Ray Girard on the left, talking with Artist Robert Powell about the paintings he would like depicted on the Tahoe

Image by Sam Schooler

Artist Robert Powell left and visionary Ray Girard on the right.

Image by Sam Schooler

Tahoe being taped off and ready for airbrushed paintings to be applied.

Image by Sam Schooler

Drivers side view of the Artwork being airbrushed on Tahoe as it progressed along, taking over 4 Months to complete.

Image by Sam Schooler

You cannot see all the intricate detail the Artist put in his paintings that where applied to the Tahoe until you step up close to view it.

Image by Sam Schooler

Rear view of Artwork applied by airbrush to the Tahoe as it progressed.

Image by Sam Schooler

Painting coming to life with the Ressurection of Jesus on the left of passengers side.

Image by Sam Schooler

As it progressed from the passengers side, right view.

Image by Sam Schooler

"The Last Supper" painting on drivers side back window. It was applied with airbrush on a screen that was attached to the window.

Image by Sam Schooler

  Birth of Jesus painting on the hood. A ton of time a effort went into making "The Story of Jesus" Tahoe, taking over 4 Months to complete. Starting with the Birth of Jesus on the hood, the Life of Jesus depicted down the drivers side, Death of Jesus on the back, the Resurrection of Jesus on Passengers side, and over 30 Biblical Scriptures surrounding the entire Tahoe.

June 28, 2018
  Photos above are camera shot copies of the original photos that visionary Ray Girard took of the Tahoe as it came to life. Lisa, my sister and wife of Ray Girard said the photos belong with the Tahoe. I am more then blessed to have these photos in my possession to share along with you and continue blessing others with "The Story of Jesus".  These are not as clear as I would like them to be, but hoped you enjoyed viewing them. God Bless!

Michael Hopkins

Image by Sam Schooler

Pictured is "The Story of Jesus" trailer that Ray Girard would take along with him on his Ministry trips.

Image by Sam Schooler
The Story of Jesus Tahoe, The Kentucky Castle

Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. Matthew 4:19

Michael & JT Hopkins
The Story of Jesus Tahoe

Phone: 1-573-568-8887

©2018 - 2024 by The Story of Jesus Tahoe

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