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Airbrushed Biblical Scriptures on "The Story of Jesus" Tahoe

Airbrushed Biblical Scriptures

"The Story of Jesus" Tahoe has over 30 scenes depicting Jesus' Life.

Starting with the birth of Jesus on the hood, the Life of Jesus down the drivers side,

death of Jesus on the back and the Resurrection of Jesus on the passengers side.

The Tahoe also has over 30 Biblical Scriptures surrounding the entire vehicle.

The artwork is not something to see from afar with it's intricate detail.

You have to step up close to see all the detailed artwork the artist

put into his creation taking over 4 months to complete.

Below are a few photos of the Biblical Scripture on Tahoe.

If you would like to see all the Scriptures on the Tahoe,

"The Story of Jesus" Tahoe - Luke 1:28

"The Story of Jesus" Tahoe - Luke 19:47

"The Story of Jesus" Tahoe - Matthew 19:14

"The Story of Jesus" Tahoe - Luke 24:2

"The Story of Jesus" Tahoe - Mark 16:19

To see all the Biblical Scriptures on "The Story of Jesus" Tahoe

Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. Matthew 4:19

Michael & JT Hopkins
The Story of Jesus Tahoe

Phone: 1-573-568-8887

©2018 - 2024 by The Story of Jesus Tahoe

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